May 19, 2014

Well done TM

Over the past 13 years I've encountered more than my fair share of screw ups and general incompetence from Telekom Malaysia aka TM.

Recently we started encountering issues with our Unifi network connection whereby it would just hang and render the phone, internet and IPTV service inoperable. A full reboot by switching the power off & on usually resolved it. Unfortunately last Friday evening the problem started occurring every few minutes and then a total failure occurred.

Felling lost without the internet and with great trepidation I contacted TM Unifi support and was pleasantly supposed that the call was dealt with quickly. A ticket was opened and owing to the weekend I resigned myself to there being no service restoration until Monday at the earliest.

On Saturday morning I received a call from an engineer to enquirer as to whether he would be able to access to the telecoms riser at my condo and upon answering yes I was informed that he would be there around 11:30

The engineer arrived more or less on time and quickly diagnosed that the modem was faulty and he would swap it out for free owing to it having a lifetime warranty. There must be an issue with the modems used because this is the 3rd we have had with our new one being the latest model.

I have to say well done and thank you to TM for the prompt and excellent service received this weekend.

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